module 1 - 29.5.
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module 2 - 29.5.
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Mindscapes workshop
Cracking the codes of creativity and innovation or how do we decode the creative and innovative
People usually think that patterns’ biggest enemy is innovative and creative thinking. And that’s where they’re wrong. Because behind even the most innovative ideas, hidden codes can be identified. Codes that — when mastered — might give your team an important leap forward when creating highly disruptive ideas. This workshop involves a conversation about these slightly mysterious codes, as well as the powerful tools that can stem from them. The Mindscapes methods are tools created by analyzing the most innovative and creative award-winning campaigns from around the world, while decoding the recurring thought patterns embedded in them. The workshop will present examples of these thought patterns, as well as ways to translate them into simple practical thinking tools geared to direct the mind into specific creative thinking paths.
Ravid Kuperberg is an experienced speaker, always tackling colorful and extremely complex topics — structured creative thinking in brand communications. For a while now, the imaginative and always curious creator’s expertise has been widely used by the world's biggest agencies and brands. And it won’t hurt to mention the thirty Cannes Lions (as well as three Grand Prix Lion awards) that are comfortably sitting on the display cabinets of Mindscapes workshop participants. The name of Mindscapes denotes an elaborate training system for perfecting innovative and creative thinking and action. The training methodology is specially tailored for each industry branch (advertising, media, digital, TTL, and PR). Ravid is a former marketing expert with a background in strategic and creative roles. He kicked off his career as a strategic planner, after which came a stint in copywriting, and then he focused his creative potential on the role of creative director. He is a frequent keynote speaker and trainer at the biggest international marketing conferences and advertising festivals. This means that he is a mandatory guest at the prestigious Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, as well as at the 2019 Direct Media Academy!