DAY I - 28.5.
DAY II - 29.5.
Download the detailed agenda
with talk descriptions

The Branding module focuses on planned and effective transition of the classic branding model into innovative forms, in the light of global changes that affected the world of advertising, as well. We use different strategies to answer the question: How do we change the previous branding concepts and adapt as smoothly as possible to the great Renaissance of branding values knocking on the door? This module is ideal for those who go to sleep and wake up with branding on their minds. If brands are your passion and their communication a challenge — you really shouldn’t miss out on the DMA Branding module talks.
The BRANDING module will include a Mindscapes workshop
Two heroes of the branding story: The brand and the consumer
It's time to admit that our industry will never be as it used to anymore! Let's have an open and constructive conversation about this. Let’s analyze the big elephant in the room — from the trunk to the tail — and let’s not ignore its presence and impact on our work.
How can we let go of everything we’ve been holding on to for decades in order to secure long-term success?
One of the objectives of this year's branding module is to provide you with sufficient materials that will lead you and your team to an entirely new and fresh thinking about your brand or brands.
“I’ll be talking about the two main characters of today's branding in my talks and workshops. About the relationship between the brand and the consumer. A couple that belongs to each other and only together make up this whole, which enables development, progress, growth, and ultimately the common good only through working together.”
Mitja Tuškej
Key idea of the module:
The concept we had been using to build brand strategies, which had been valid for decades, collapsed into dust and rubble, and we were almost unaware of the fact.
The new concept is rooted in the brand being fully centered on its story.
The story is what allows the brand to be honest and objective, especially concerning the dilemma about the actual target audience it’s intended for.
And this story is written together by the brand and its loyal consumer!
Mitja Tuškej is one of the most respected branding experts in this part of Europe, and he’s been irreplaceable in the communications field for more than 25 years. If anyone could be called a renaissance marketing philosopher, it would be Mitja, although he his many years in the industry have brought about equally excellent results in practical work. She is a member of the Ascanius Media Slovenia family, one of the most successful Slovenian agencies, which was once again acknowledged this year with the Effi award for the most effective campaigns. He specializes in analysis and strategic planning, and the skill that he has definitely mastered is designing simple and logical frameworks around extremely complex data. What he enjoys the most are the challenges of complex strategic planning — both at brand and corporate levels. In 2015 he wrote No friends, No brands, which was named the best marketing book in Slovenia and which has a quite well selling regional edition. Hocus Pocus: Focus is Mitja Tuškej’s latest book from 2019, and in it he builds up his knowledge and experiences new, leading-edge developments in brand management.